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Expertise: Tableau, JIRA, Reporting

Expertise: Conservation Biology and Community Conservation

Expertise: Marketing, Customer Satisfaction, Employee Engagement, Persuasion

Expertise: Costume Design

Expertise: Self-injury and suicide risk detection, prevention and intervention

Expertise: Reading reforms, ed. policy, teacher education, advocacy, globalization & ed., Russian education

Expertise: Neuroscience

Expertise: Immigration law, humanitarian immigration relief, Special Immigrant Juvenile Status

Expertise: Astronomy, exoplanets (detection, characterization), search for life, biosignatures & technosig.

Expertise: Multisolving for Climate Solutions, Informal Science Education

Expertise: Science with Powerful X-rays: studies on ancient materials, fossils, photosynthesis, and water

Expertise: Legal Activism, Policy and Politics, Social Justice Movements, Journalism

Expertise: Political Economy, Development, Political Inequality, Representation, India

Expertise: Primary care, Firearm injury prevention, Vaccine Science, Vaccine Hesitancy

Expertise: Integrative and lifestyle dermatology, Prevention and risk minimization for chronic skin conditions

Expertise: Food chemistry, processing, sustainability, and health

Expertise: 19th-century Scandinavian literature and culture and the author, Isak Dinesen.

Expertise: Basic and translational research on blood cancer and non-malignant hematology, and human genetics

Expertise: Primatology, primate nutrition, primate social behavior

Expertise: Family stress and wellbeing

Expertise: Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Genomics

Expertise: Aging, Learning and Memory, Neurodegeneration

Expertise: Social psychology

Expertise: Dairy farm management and decision making using latest data-driven algorithms and technologies

Expertise: Sociology; Education; Family Life; Childhood; Health Decision-Making; The Digital Divide; Covid-19

Expertise: African history, global feminism

Expertise: Metabolism, Functional genomics, Bioengineering

Expertise: Antitrust Law and Economics, Competition Policy, Competitive Issues in Agriculture

Expertise: Queer, feminist, crip, ecological and decolonial visual culture, art and performance

Expertise: Music and the Human Spirit

Expertise: College student development, belonging, and flourishing

Expertise: High impact practices, experiential learning, undergraduate research, student success

Expertise: Computer Safety, Security, and Privacy

Expertise: Science Communication, Community Engagement, Data Science, Political Communication

Expertise: Global Change Ecology;Earth System Science;Remote Sensing of Environment;Numerical Modeling

Expertise: Improving medication use and patient safety

Expertise: Agronomy applied and on-farm research with field and specialty crops.

Expertise: Archaeology, Mesoamerica, Teotihuacan, Ancient Cities

Expertise: Indigenous Knowledge; Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Expertise: Adolescent health, reproductive & sexual health of teens & young adults, eating disorders

Expertise: Household Finance, Poverty, Family Economic Policy

Expertise: Insects, behavioral ecology, global change biology, biodiversity, pollinators

Expertise: Gender, housework, parenting, family

Expertise: AAPI History, Ethnic Studies Policy, Workplace Diversity, Cross-Racial Solidarity

Expertise: Social and political aspects of emerging biotechnologies for conservation

Expertise: Statistics, Sports Analytics, Data Science, Bayesian Methods

Expertise: Machine learning foundations, robustness, efficient algorithms

Expertise: Cybersecurity, Governance, Risk, Compliance, HIPAA, NIST

Expertise: African Literature, Contemporary Literary Scene, Digital Culture, Social Media

Expertise: Plant Genetics, Genomics and Breeding

Expertise: Translational Neuroscience

Expertise: Criminal law, public defense, juvenile justice

Expertise: Aging, health, and longevity

Expertise: Active and Inclusive Learning, Technology Adoption in Higher Education, User Experience Research

Expertise: Aquatic ecology, Fisheries, Climate change, Limnology

Expertise: Geriatric Health Services, Caregiving, Chronic Conditions

Expertise: Intersection between education and criminal justice systems

Expertise: Oceans, Whales, Climate Change, Ecology

Expertise: Oboe Performance, Music Community Engagement

Expertise: Traumatic Brain Injury, Concussions, Mechanics of Materials, Aircraft Dynamics

Expertise: Nuclear receptor, bile acids, gastrointestinal & inflammatory bowel diseases, colorectal cancer

Expertise: School food politics and systems change, farm-to-school, care economy

Expertise: Cardiology/Preventive Cardiology

Expertise: Potato & vegetable disease management, pathogen ecology, disease forecasting

Expertise: Meditation, well-being, psychotherapy, mental health

Expertise: Patient-clinician communication during hospitalizations

Expertise: Music, Conducting, Bands

Expertise: Educational Equity, Educational Leadership and Policy

Expertise: Neuroscience, Neural Engineering

Expertise: Family relationships, family finances, and US government policy

Expertise: LGBTQIA2S+ Health

Expertise: Periparral Physiology

Expertise: Agricultural livelihood well-being, meat processing labor, gender and sexuality in agriculture

Expertise: Drug delivery, cell therapy, biomaterials, cancer immunotherapy

Expertise: Soil Science;Remote Sensing;Machine Learning;Climate Change;Sustainability

Expertise: Plant diseases and their management for home gardeners

Expertise: DEI organizational development, DEI professional development

Expertise: Pollination ecology, Entomology

Expertise: Anthropological Archaeology, UW MIA Recovery & Identification Project, Indus Civilization

Expertise: Community Art Engagement, Art and Mental Health

Expertise: Fish Biology, Fisheries Science and Management, Fishery Sustainability

Expertise: Gender and Race Stereotypes, Gender Socialization, Health

Expertise: Designing & implementing public curriculum for biology & chemistry workshops w/ an emphasis on K12.

Expertise: Community Placemaking

Expertise: Production and consumption of media entertainment

Expertise: Intro to WI’s Tribes, Indigenous methodologies & cultural teachings

Expertise: Cranberries, agronomy, wetland ecology, agricultural engineering, farms

Expertise: Plasma Physics and Fusion Energy

Expertise: Forensic Pathology, Autopsy, Trauma (blunt force injuries, sharp force injuries, gunshot wounds)

Expertise: Corn Production Agronomy

Expertise: Social dimensions of climate change, disaster and vulnerability, environment and health

Expertise: Water Scarcity Strategies & Realities, Stormwater Mangement, Landscape Architecture

Expertise: Parenting, Parent-Child Relationships, Parents' Experiences, Parental Burnout

Expertise: Leadership Development

Expertise: Archaeology, Ancient History

Expertise: Coronavirus Proteins

Expertise: Cattle genetics, genetics of reproduction and twin birth

Expertise: Sexual assault and intimate partner violence, LGBTQ+ health

Expertise: Community-level youth civic engagement, positive youth development, youth in community civic action

Expertise: Energy Efficient Wireless Networks, Wireless Communication

Expertise: Produce Safety, Farmers Markets, Fresh Market Vegetable Farming, Direct Marketing

Expertise: Aging, nutrition, protein, branched-chain amino acids, lifespan

Expertise: Astrophysical magnetic fields, astrophysical turbulence, interstellar medium, star formation

Expertise: Graphic Design, Design, Creativity, Typography, 3D printing, Ceramics, Digital Fabrication

Expertise: AI for healthcare

Expertise: Networks, Statistics, Computing

Expertise: Clinical psychology, child mental health, gene-environment interactions

Expertise: Multiscale modeling, computational materials design, mechanics and physics of polymers

Expertise: Transportation, Autonomous Vehicles, Connected Vehicles

Expertise: Biochemistry, Structural Biology, Single-Molecule Biophysics, Telomere, DNA replication

Expertise: Sports, Sports Media, Sports Betting, Athlete Activism, Media Ethics

Expertise: History; Higher Education History; Wisconsin History; History of Race and Racism

Expertise: Public Gardens

Expertise: Literacy, Early Childhood, Multilingualism, Teacher Education

Expertise: Organizational effectiveness, team development and leadership

Expertise: Experienced dementia care expert specializing in disease education and support

Expertise: Computer & Network Security, Technical Public Policy, Mobile & IoT Device Security

Expertise: Meditation Training for Performance and Well-Being

Expertise: Physics Demonstrations

Expertise: American Indian Student Support, Partnership Building, Tribal Health, Tribal Community Partnership

Expertise: Leadership development, managing people

Expertise: French Literature & Culture; Literary and Philosophical Representations of Biological Life

Expertise: Outdoor Recreation Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Expertise: AI Ethics, AI in Healthcare, Reinforcement Learning, Data Science, Machine Learning

Expertise: Particle Physics and High Energy Physics

Expertise: Congenital viral infection, Zika virus infection, Mpox virus infection

Expertise: Neural stem cell biology, Aging

Expertise: Technology and digital media, adolescent health,and the intersection between the two

Expertise: Radiation Oncology, Theranostics, Immunotherapy for Cancer

Expertise: Dog vision, dog behavior, dog/human parallel aging, heavy metals

Expertise: Using geology to understand Wisconsin’s aquifers and groundwater

Expertise: Environmental epidemiology, harmful algal bloom-related illness investigation and surveillance

Expertise: Ancestral healing, experiential learning, identity development, cross-cultural somatic psychotherapy

Expertise: Pediatrics, Early Childhood, Early Literacy, Child Health Advocacy

Expertise: History of Higher Education/History of Education

Expertise: The role of strategic communication within the context of science, technology, and the environment.

Expertise: Dairy Economics, Controlled-Environment Agriculture

Expertise: Green Stormwater Infrastructure

Expertise: Surgical and critical care management of burn and traumatic injuries

Expertise: Transportation Engineering, traffic safety, Panama Canal

Expertise: Dairy Food Safety

Expertise: Viruses that make people sick, esp. emerging and reemerging viruses.

Expertise: Immunology, host-microbiome interactions, tissue immunity, type 2 immunity

Expertise: College Access, Admissions, and Financial Aid

Expertise: Extracellular vesicles, ticks, tick-borne diseases

Expertise: Indoor plant cultivation including greenhouses and houseplants. Herbaceous plant care and gardening.

Expertise: Theatre for social and cultural awareness

Expertise: History of German immigration to North America, German language

Expertise: Environmental economics with expertise in water quality

Expertise: Body Politics, Size Inclusion, Capitalism, Health, Social Media

Expertise: Diversity, equity, and inclusion; Disability and Ableism; Intersectionality

Expertise: Islamic Art and Architecture

Expertise: Pediatric Neuro-Oncology, Pediatric Brain Tumors, Neurofibromatosis

Expertise: Lighting Design, Projection Design, Immersive Theatre

Expertise: Lake Superior Estuarine Research Reserve

Expertise: Public health, epidemiology, prevention, community health improvement

Expertise: Geoscience, climate

Expertise: Livestock behavior and welfare

Expertise: Research policy, integrity and ethics, conflicts of interest, foreign influence

Expertise: History of the Lead-Zinc Mine District of the Upper Mississippi Valley

Expertise: Environmental Policy, Environmental Economics, Wetlands, Clean Water Act, Australia

Expertise: Bilingual, Science, and Environmental Education

Expertise: Infectious Diseases, Antimicrobial Resistance

Expertise: Health impacts of legal system engagement;substance use treatment;HIV/AIDS-related health disparity

Expertise: Genome Editing

Expertise: Metallurgical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Corrosion and Protection of Metals

Expertise: Studying how microbes cause disease in humans and animals

Expertise: Personal privacy and security, information preservation

Expertise: Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Entrepreneurship

Expertise: Sustainability, Natural vs, Synthetic Dyes, Fibers, Polymers, Plastics, Recycling of Plastics

Expertise: Disability Justice, Black Feminism, Pleasure Activism

Expertise: Storytelling, Art, Watercolors, Autobiographic Artwork

Expertise: Strength & Conditioning, High Performance Teams, Leadership, Coaching

Expertise: Great Lakes Ecosystems and Fisheries

Expertise: Global health, reproductive health, family planning, gender

Expertise: US-China relations, philanthropy and the nonprofit sector, Asia, China, Vietnam, India

Expertise: Evictions, Displacement, Gentrification, Urban Planning

Expertise: Physics Outreach

Expertise: Woody plants (trees and shrubs)

Expertise: Agricultural and Applied Economics

Expertise: Energy for Sustainable Transportation, Emissions Control for Air Quality, Neutron Imaging

Expertise: Geology and water resources of Wisconsin

Expertise: Behavioral Economics

Expertise: Quantum Computing, Sustainability, and Computer Architecture

Expertise: Environmental Economics, Urban Economics, Environmental Justice

Expertise: AI in Healthcare

Expertise: Astrobiology, astronomy, biochemistry

Expertise: Autism, motor skills, sensory features, brainstem, neuroimaging

Expertise: Behavioral Science, Decision Making, Performance, Talent, Gender, Diversity, Perception, Careers

Expertise: Lightning, Weather Measurements, Weather Safety

Expertise: Game Theory, Machine Learning & AI
Full bio and talks for Emmanouil Vasileios Vlatakis Gkaragkounis

Expertise: LGBTQ+ studies, Queer & Transgender Studies, Disability Studies, Feminist Studies (contd. in bio)

Expertise: Climate Dynamics, Oceanography, Sea Ice, Ice Sheets, Glaciers, Icebergs

Expertise: Child & Family Wellbeing, Relationship Disruptions & Repair, contd. in bio

Expertise: Philosophy of science

Expertise: Sustainability of dairy farming, farming in developing countries

Expertise: Psychoactive Drugs

Expertise: Autism, fragile X syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, nutritional and pharmaceutical interventions

Expertise: Astrochemistry

Expertise: Agriculture, Business Law, Legal Risk on Farms, Farm Succession, Estate Planning, Farm Transfer

Expertise: Limnology, aquatic ecology, lakes, algal blooms

Expertise: Wellness and mental health

Expertise: Digital journalism, Black press, Race and media

Expertise: Education, Data Science, Learning Analytics, Education Technology, AI

Expertise: Magnetohydrodynamics, theory and simulation for fusion energy

Expertise: Memory Formation and its Consolidation, Circadian Rhythms, Sleep, Neurodegenerative Diseases

Expertise: Entomology (insects) - general, biodiversity, natural history, taxonomy, beetles

Expertise: Empathy and Communication in Healthcare

Expertise: Glacial Geology, Great Lakes Coastal Erosion, Glaciology