Speaker Registration Information

This page is a resource for any UW-Madison faculty, staff, or graduate student interested in joining the Badger Talks speaker roster. Any further questions are always welcome at badgertalks@uwmad.wisc.edu.

Badger Talks is a program of UW Connects statewide outreach that facilitates face-to-face connection between the people of Wisconsin and their flagship state University. With over 250 Badger Talks around the state each year, our 450+ speakers can connect with all types of audiences; from schools to libraries to businesses to civic groups. It is the Wisconsin Idea in action! As a Badger Talks speaker, you will have a profile on our public website (see example here) where groups will have an opportunity to invite you to their event. Connecting with citizens of our state could not be easier! Other perks of membership with Badger Talks include the opportunity to receive great UW swag based on number of events completed and invitationto fun networking events celebrating state outreach successes.

Registration form

Who can join Badger Talks as a speaker?

  • Speaker must be somehow affiliated with UW-Madison and have a NetID; exceptions may be made for other UW system speakers
  • Speakers’ talk topics must somehow relate to UW work or research
  • If speakers are graduate students or postdocs, they must be able to commit to a minimum of three years on the Badger Talks roster
  • Speakers must do their best to inform Badger Talks if they leave the university/lose eligibility to be a speaker
  • Speakers must also inform Badger Talks if they leave on sabbatical or extended research travels

Benefits to being a speaker with Badger Talks

  • We coordinate the logistics of your talk events
  • We cover your travel expenses (within University guidelines), including hotel, mileage and meals
  • You do not have to accept every talk request and temporary leave/sabbatical is permissible
  • You can let us know the type of groups you would like to engage with, as well as any limits in terms of geographic location
  • While Badger Talks does not currently offer stipends to its speakers, you are welcome to accept stipends as arranged directly between you and the host group. Please note that if you accept a stipend, Badger Talks is unable to reimburse your expenses.
  • Retired speakers will retain access to UW perks such as their email, MyUW, and Box through a zero-dollar appointment with Badger Talks

What does a typical talk request process look like?

  • An interested host group will submit a request for you to speak at their event via our website
  • The Badger Talks coordinator checks the request for eligibility and compatibility with your preferences, then sends you an email invitation
  • You are free to accept, deny, or request alternative scheduling options for each invitation
  • Once confirmed, the BT coordinator sends both you and the host group confirmation emails with all of the event details and an Outlook calendar invite
  • Most host groups will reach out directly to introduce themselves to the speaker and discuss further event details, such as AV needs, between the time of confirmation and the time of the event
  • If the event is public, Badger Talks will market the event
  • A week prior to the event, you will receive a reminder email
  • After the event, you will receive a post-event email with a survey link via which you can share your thoughts