Entomology Extension Specialist
College of Agricultural & Life Sciences l Department of Entomology
Hometown: Franksville, WI
Patrick (PJ) Liesch is a statewide entomology specialist and director of the University of Wisconsin Insect Diagnostic Lab (IDL). Every year, the IDL handles over 2,400 insect identification requests from Wisconsin’s farmers, private industry, university and government agencies, the general public, and other groups. PJ also provides entomology-related outreach throughout the state, including regular appearances on Wisconsin Public Radio.
Beneficial Backyard Bugs
Wisconsin is home to 20,000+ insect species—the vast majority of which provide benefits to humans. In this presentation, we’ll discuss the many ways in which insects help us out and also take a look at how common these beneficial creatures can be in our own area.
Biting Bugs: Ticks & Mosquitoes
In this talk, we’ll take a look at some of the tiny creatures that are out for blood—mosquitoes and ticks. Topics will include basic mosquito and tick biology, their medical significance, and helpful precautions to protect ourselves from these creatures.
Wisconsin's Busy Bees
Honey bees and bumble bees are common and recognizable, but Wisconsin is home to a diverse array of nearly 500 bee species. This presentation will take a close look at the daily lives of Wisconsin’s many busy bees and the roles they play in the ecosystem.
Creatures of the Night: Bed Bugs
Once a creature of nursery rhymes, bed bugs have reemerged around the US over the last few decades. This talk will discuss the biology of bed bugs, their history, precautions for travelers, and bed bug management in contemporary times.