Portrait Photograph of Beth Olson

Beth Olson

Associate Professor

College of Agricultural & Life Sciences | Nutritional Sciences

Hometown: Oak Creek, WI

Dr. Olson has worked in community-based nutrition research and programs for 25 years, starting with positions at The Kellogg Company in research & development and marketing. She now works at UW Madison doing research and outreach to help individuals and families make the healthiest choices possible in nutrition and health.


Getting Older - Should We Care More About Our Nutrition?

As we age, we may think some changes in our health our inevitable. However, good nutrition and remaining active can help us keep strong enough to keep doing all the things we enjoy. This talk will cover the evolving research on nutrition as we age.

What is a healthy diet? Carbs, protein or fat?!
This talk helps people cope with the headlines that say butter is out, butter is back carbs are good, carbs are bad and other dietary advice that changes over time…or maybe doesn’t change completely, just shifts a little. The talk can be tailored to meet the news of different groups.
Feeding Babies - Why is it so Important?

Recommendations on feeding babies have changed significantly in recent years. How we feed babies may have lifelong implications for their health, including diseases in infancy, allergies, and the development of obesity. What we feed babies is important-but also HOW we feed babies is important. This talk will cover the latest research on healthy feeding for babies.