Professor of Mechanical Engineering
College of Engineering | Mechanical Engineering Department, The Franck Lab
Dr. Franck holds degrees in aerospace and aeronautical engineering from the University of Virginia (BS) and Caltech (MS & PhD). He trained as an experimental mechanician developing innovative measurement techniques at the micro and nanoscale for biological applications. He is an expert on the biophysics behind traumatic brain injury (TBI) and concussions and runs the multi-institutional research consortium called PANTHER focused on TBI diagnosis and prevention.
Cellular Traumatic Brain Injury - the Physical Origin of Concussions and Traumatic Brain Injury
Current prediction, prevention and diagnosis strategies for mild traumatic brain injuries, including concussions, are still largely in their infancy due to a lack of detailed understanding and resolution of how physical forces give rise to tissue injury at a cellular level. In this talk I will present some recent work on our current understanding of the origin of concussions and traumatic brain injuries and how cells in the brain interpret and react to the physical forces of trauma such as encountered in American football, soccer, and military operations. Finally, I will highlight how our UW-Madison based PANTHER program is beginning to leverage this information to develop new helmet and material designs to better safeguard and truly protect the brain.