Portrait Photograph of Kevin Masarik

Kevin Masarik

Groundwater Education Specialist

Division of Extension | Stevens Point

Hometown: Milwaukee

Kevin Masarik is a groundwater education specialist with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension and the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. He has assisted tens of thousands of well owners through locally organized well water testing programs. The benefits of these programs are twofold: individual well owners have a better understanding of how to manage their household water supply; and secondly, the results have helped paint a detailed picture of water quality across Wisconsin. He uses the information learned from his outreach and other research efforts to educate citizens and community leaders across the state about the importance of groundwater to Wisconsin’s overall quality of life.


Private wells and water quality problems

News about water may have people wondering about the quality of water in their private wells. Deciding what and how often to test, or what to do problems exist are the types of decisions that well owners may have questions about. This talk will provide an overview of common well water quality concerns and other information well owners need to manage their water supply.

Nitrate in Wisconsin's groundwater

Nitrate is a challenging issue because nitrogen is both a necessary component of agricultural production and an environmental pollutant. This talk uses nitrate data from Wisconsin to illustrate the relationship between human activities and our groundwater. Specifically, how nitrate ends up in our groundwater, why some areas more prone to contamination, and what practices may help improve water quality.

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