Distinguished Faculty Associate
School of Education | Department of Kinesiology
Hometown: Sheboygan, WI
Cindy Kuhrasch is a Distinguished Faculty Associate in the Department of Kinesiology. All of Cindy’s work is designed to develop caring and compassionate leaders who provide opportunities for children and youth to develop physical, cognitive, and social skills through movement. In her current position, Cindy teaches methods, assessment, curriculum, class management, and technology coursework as well as supervising the placement and evaluation of the student teachers.
Painlessly and Intentionally Incorporating Social and Emotional Learning in Your Physical Education Classroom
The Physical Education classroom is an ideal setting in which social and emotional can be taught and practiced. In fact, social and emotional learning has been an inherent element of Physical Education since its inception. In fact, whether we intend to or not, we ALL teach social and emotional skills in our classrooms each day. However, in order for positive social and emotional learning to be comprehended by students, these skills must be intentionally planned, instructed, and assessed.
Creating Common Bonds for Individual and Leadership Enhancement
There is much talk today about the importance of creating relationships and communities, but how do you do it? Learn some simple, engaging activities to connect the individuals with whom you work.
TAG, YOU'RE IT: Transforming PE to Build Confidence and Community
This talk will teach you how to:
- Analyze learning tasks for engagement and social and emotional skill development opportunities
- Generate strategies for the development of a positive community
- Develop effective management strategies