Portrait Photograph of Eric Carson

Eric Carson


Division of Extension | Madison

Hometown: Morgantown, WV

Eric Carson is a geologist with the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey and a professor at UW-Madison. His research focuses on how landscapes evolve over geologic time and, particularly, processes associated with rivers, floods, and the last glaciation in Wisconsin.


Geologic evolution of North American rivers

Recent research has demonstrated that the lower Wisconsin River developed as part of an eastward-flowing river system, rather than as a tributary of the Mississippi River. This talks discusses that research, and the changes North American rivers have experienced over the last several million years.

Chasing glaciers in south-central Wisconsin

The area from Madison to the Baraboo Hills was the extreme margin of the last glaciation. This talk explores research into understanding the timing and dynamics of that glaciation in the area.

The upper Mississippi River and the last great Ice Age

The upper Mississippi River has carried water and sediment during numerous cycles of glaciers. This talk explores that record as preserved between Prairie du Chien and the Twin Cities.