Arboretum Director
Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education | UW-Madison Arboretum
Hometown: Berlin, WI
Karen Oberhauser is the Director of the UW-Madison Arboretum. Along with dozens of students and colleagues, she has conducted research on several aspects of monarch butterfly ecology. In 1996, she started a nationwide Citizen Science project called the Monarch Larva Monitoring Project (MLMP), which continues to engage hundreds of volunteers throughout North America. The MLMP and another flagship citizen science program with a strong monarch focus, Journey North, are part of the growing citizen science programming at the UW-Madison Arboretum. Karen has authored over 90 papers on her research on monarchs, insect conservation, and citizen science. She has an undergraduate degree from Harvard University, a degree in science education from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a PhD from the University of Minnesota.
Monarch Biology and Conservation
Talk can focus on a variety of monarch butterfly related topics: basic biology, conservation, climate change, or natural enemies, depending on the audience.
Citizen Science
No talk details available.