Portrait Photograph of Susan Frikken

Susan Frikken

Physical Therapist

School of Medicine and Public Health | Department of Physical Therapy

Hometown: Detroit, MI

Susan Frikken is a physical therapist in private practice in Madison, Wisconsin, graduating from the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at UW-Madison in 2013. Her goal is to integrate the arts and nature with therapeutic practice, helping to change the way of health and wellness care in our country. She has been a massage therapist since 1993, graduating from the Potomac Massage Training Institute in Washington DC. Areas of special interest are restoring optimal posture, conservative scoliosis management, soft tissue work, and balance and falls prevention. She’s been a guest instructor at UW-Madison, most recently as a co-instructor for the “Health Promotion and Wellness” course. Susan is a certified leader of Stepping On, an evidence-based falls reduction program, and co-created Ballroom Basics for BalanceTM in 2014.


Ballroom Basics for Balance (BB4B)

BB4B is a fun, community-based balance class using the basics of dance intended to enhance balance and prevent falls. This collaborative model involves student volunteers and validated balance & cognitive function measures. The curriculum is informed by best evidence and therapeutic practice and adapted to a community’s needs. Participatory talk!