An award-winning professor, keynote speaker, trainer, and consultant, Dr. Moses Altsech has over 30 years’ teaching experience at the graduate and undergraduate level. As a consultant and researcher he has worked with dozens of clients …
Robert Asen
Robert Asen is a professor in the Communication Arts Department at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. His research explores the relationships between social, economic, and political inequalities and public discourse. He is interested in the social …
Alan Attie
Alan Attie’s research focuses on the genetics of diabetes and disorders affecting cholesterol metabolism. His lab takes advantage of natural variation in mouse strains to look for genes that affect these disease processes. He believes …
Ankita Bharadwaj
Ankita is a Radio Show Host and a Lawyer who specializes in Policy, Politics, Socio-Economic Strategy and Social Movements. She is also proficient in Content Writing, Directing and Sound Producing for Podcasts and Radio Shows. …
Rikhil Bhavnani
Rikhil is a Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where he serves as the Associate Chair and Director of Graduate Studies. He is also a Faculty Affiliate at the …
Raina Bloom
Raina Bloom is an Academic Librarian at College Library. She works primarily with undergraduates, especially those who are new to academic research. Her research and professional interests include the history and philosophy of librarianship, critical …
Laird Boswell
Laird Boswell is a Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is an expert on modern French history, French politics and society, the history of nationalism, and the contemporary extreme right in Europe.
Dominique Brossard
Dominique Brossard is professor and chair in the Department of Life Sciences Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an affiliate of the UW-Madison Robert & Jean Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies, the …
Barry Burden
Barry Burden is Professor of Political Science, Director of the Elections Research Center, and the Lyons Family Chair in Electoral Politics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Burden’s research and teaching focus on U.S. elections, public …
David Canon
David Canon has taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison since 1991. Before that, he taught for five years at Duke University. He received his Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota. He teaches classes and does research on congressional …
Russ Castronovo
Russ Castronovo is an internationally-recognized scholar with expertise in American literature, propaganda, and democracy. He has published 8 books and numerous articles on topics such as the American Revolution, citizenship, surveillance and security.
Tony Chambers
Over 40 years of teaching, researching, and leading college student development initiatives in the US and Canada. Extensive professional work focusing on student well-being and flourishing. Professor Emeritus from the University of Toronto, and current …
Giuliana Chamedes
Giuliana Chamedes is Mellon-Morgridge and Vilas Associate Professor of European History at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. She completed an MPhil in European History at the University of Cambridge and a Ph.D. at Columbia University. …
Charles L. Cohen
Charles L. Cohen, the E. Gordon Fox Professor of American Institutions, Emeritus, has taught and written about colonial British North America, American religious history, and the braided histories of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. His scholarship …
Mark Copelovitch
Mark Copelovitch is a Professor in the Department of Political Science and the Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. He studies the politics of international trade, …
Tony DelaRosa
Tony DelaRosa (he/they/siya) is a Filipino American anti-bias/anti-racist educator, racial equity strategist, poet, and researcher. His work has been featured in Harvard Ed Magazine, CNN, NPR, the Smithsonian, Hulu, and elsewhere. He won the 2021 …
Jason Delborne
I am a social scientist who focuses on strategies to responsibly govern emerging environmental biotechnologies. I study stakeholder and public engagement as a means to influence the research, development, and regulation of innovations such as …
Jordan Ellenberg
Jordan Ellenberg is a number theorist whose popular articles about mathematics have appeared in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Wired, and Slate. Testimonials “…you have an incredible ability to take a complex …
David Fields
David Fields is the Associate Director of the Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is the author of Foreign Friends: Syngman Rhee, American Exceptionalism, and the Division of Korea and …
Lewis Friedland
Lewis Friedland is the Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, where he also founded and directs the Center for Communication and Democracy. Friedland is also the Leon Epstein Faculty …
Edward Friedman
Edward Friedman received his PhD from Harvard. He studied in Taiwan and is fluent in Chinese. He has had a lot of experience with government service, and many of his works have been published throughout …
Jennifer Gaddis
Jennifer Gaddis is an associate professor of Civil Society and Community Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the author of The Labor of Lunch: Why We Need Real Food and Real Jobs in American …
Mark Guthier
Mark Guthier serves as the director at the Wisconsin Union and the Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. Guthier joined the Wisconsin Union in 2001, becoming the Union’s third director during the organization’s almost 100-year …
Diana Hess
Unavailable, on research leave until further notice. Diana Hess is the Dean of the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she holds the Karen A. Falk Distinguished Chair of Education. Her most …
Leah Horowitz
Leah S. Horowitz is a professor of Environmental Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has a long-standing interest in grassroots environmental governance and particularly in supporting Indigenous rights to protect their land and water …
Daniel Hummel
Daniel G. Hummel is the Program Curator for Academic Communities at Upper House, a Christian study center located on the campus of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is also an Honorary Research Fellow with UW-Madison’s …
Charles Irish
Professor Charles Irish is a Volkman-Bascom Professor of Law (emeritus) and the founding director of the UW’s East Asian Legal Studies Center. At the UW, Professor Irish taught tax and international trade and business courses. …
Derek Johnson
Derek Johnson is Professor and Department Chair in Communication Arts at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is the author of the books Media Franchising: Creative License and Collaboration in the Culture Industries as well as …
Todd Johnson
Todd has a diverse background that includes architecture, technical theatre, public art, education, urban design, and planning. Prior to his work with the University of Wisconsin-River Falls, he worked as a regional planner, an urban …
Eunsook Jung
Jung is a faculty associate in the Department of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research interests lie in the field of comparative politics and include Political Islam, social movements, politics of Indonesia, …
Daniel Kapust
Daniel Kapust is a Professor of Political Science. He has published widely on ancient, early modern, and modern political thought as well on figures including Cicero, Machiaveli, Hobbes, Rousseau, Adam Smith, and late 18th century …
Young Mie Kim
Young Mie Kim is a Professor of School of Journalism and Mass Communication and a Faculty Affiliate of the Department of Political Science. Kim is a 2019 Andrew Carnegie Fellow. Kim’s research concerns media and …
Neil Klemme
Neil Klemme has been with the Division of Extension for the past 16 years and has been in his current role for the past 11 years. His programming focuses on community based civic engagement of …
Cecelia Klingele
Cecelia Klingele, Associate Professor of Law, is a proud double Badger (B.A. ’99, J.D. ’05). Her academic research focuses on criminal justice administration, with an emphasis on community and institutional corrections. She teaches courses in …
Andrew Kydd
Andrew Kydd received his Ph. D. in political science from the University of Chicago in 1996 and taught at the University of California, Riverside and Harvard University before joining the Department of Political Science at …
Lori Lopez
Lori Kido Lopez is an Associate Professor of Media and Cultural Studies in the Communication Arts department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She also Director of the Asian American Studies Program at University of Wisconsin-Madison. …
Kenneth Mayer
Kenneth R. Mayer is Professor of Political Science, and on the Steering Committee of the Elections Research Center. His research interests are the presidency, voting rights, election administration, and redistricting. He is a frequent expert …
Alfred McCoy
Alfred W. McCoy holds the Harrington Chair in History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After earning his Ph.D. in Southeast Asian history at Yale University in 1977, his writing has focused on three topics–the political …
David McDonald
David McDonald has been a faculty member with UW–Madison since 1988. A graduate of the University of Toronto and the recipient of a doctorate at Columbia University, McDonald teaches and conducts research in the history …
Sara McKinnon
Sara McKinnon is an expert in immigration and refugee issues, violence, gender-based violence, and international/global politics. Her current research examines these these themes within the context of contemporary U.S.-Mexico relations. Dr. McKinnon also teaches and …
Julie Mead
Julie Fisher Mead is a professor in the Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis. Dr. Mead researches and writes about topics related to the legal aspects of education. Dr. Mead’s research centers on legal …
Richard Monette
Professor of Law, on faculty since 1992. Former Chairman and CEO, Turtle Mountain Chippewa
Ruben Mota
Ruben Mota serves as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator, collaborating and coordinating with campus partners to ensure UW-Madison is continually striving for access and inclusivity for individuals with disabilities. Prior to this position, …
Nandi (Sunita) Nandihalli
Nandi has been working in the fields of social justice and holistic health for over a decade and has a background in cross-cultural research, teaching, and training using experiential techniques. Nandi earned a Bachelor of …
Todd Newman
Todd P. Newman is an assistant professor in the Department of Life Sciences Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an affiliate of the Robert F. and Jean E. Holtz Center for Science & Technology …
Taylor Odle
Taylor Odle is an Assistant Professor of Educational Policy Studies and an affiliate in Data Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is a national expert on issues in the economics of education with a …
Sandy Peterson
Dr. Sandy Peterson earned her PhD in Interdisciplinary Theatre Studies and has been teaching theatre for cultural and social awareness for over a decade. She uses theatre to engage audiences in dialogue about meaningful and …
Jon Pevehouse
Jon Pevehouse’s main research interests lie in international relations, international security, foreign policy, international political economy, and political methodology. Currently, he is working on projects involving international treaties, free trade agreements, currency crises, and international …
Katherine (Kate) Phelps
Dr. Kate Phelps is a lecturer in Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. They have a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Massachusetts-Boston. Their teaching and research interests and areas of …
Marla Ramirez
Dr. Ramirez is a historian of the U.S.-Mexico borderlands with specialization in oral history, Mexican repatriation, social and legal histories of Mexican migrations, and gendered immigration experiences. She completed her doctoral degree at the University …
Janice Rice
Currently not accepting talk requests. Janice Rice is a member of Ho-Chunk Nation & is a retired librarian with a focus on American Indian resources, literature, culture, history, language preservation & revitalization. She received her …
Dave Schroeder
Dave Schroeder is a subject matter expert on information technology, cybersecurity, and cyber national security issues. He currently serves as an Army Cyber Warfare Officer and intelligence professional, and previously served as a Navy Information …
Howard Schweber
Before becoming an academic, Professor Schweber practiced law for 5 years in both the public and private sectors. He holds graduate degrees in Law (JD), Government (PhD), and History (MA). Schweber is the author of …
Dhavan Shah
Dhavan Shah’s research and teaching focuses on the effects of information and communication technologies on social judgments, civic engagement, political participation, and health management. His recent work extends insights on message processing and networked communication …
Nadav Shelef
Nadav Shelef is the Harvey M. Meyerhoff Professor of Israel Studies and Professor of Political Science. Professor Shelef teaches and studies nationalism, religion and politics, Israeli politics and society, and middle east politics. His current …
Mark Sidel
Mark Sidel is Doyle-Bascom Professor of Law and Public Affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and a specialist in US-China relations as well as philanthropy and the nonprofit sector in the United States and in …
Victoria Solomon
Victoria Solomon is an Associate Professor in Community Resource Development with the University of Wisconsin Extension. She has a Masters Degree in Environment and Sustainable Development from the University College London and a Bachelors Degree …
Michael Wagner
Michael W. Wagner (Bachelor of Journalism, University of Nebraska; Ph.D., Indiana University) is William T. Evjue Distinguished Chair of the Wisconsin Idea and Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he …
Michael Xenos
Professor Xenos’ research and teaching interests are centered on the effects of new media on political engagement and public deliberation. His primary focus is on the extent to which the internet and social media may …