Moses Altsech

An award-winning professor, keynote speaker, trainer, and consultant, Dr. Moses Altsech has over 30 years’ teaching experience at the graduate and undergraduate level. As a consultant and researcher he has worked with dozens of clients …

Robert Asen

Robert Asen is a professor in the Communication Arts Department at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. His research explores the relationships between social, economic, and political inequalities and public discourse. He is interested in the social …

Ankita Bharadwaj

Ankita is a Radio Show Host and a Lawyer who specializes in Policy, Politics, Socio-Economic Strategy and Social Movements. She is also proficient in Content Writing, Directing and Sound Producing for Podcasts and Radio Shows. …

Charles L. Cohen

Charles L. Cohen, the E. Gordon Fox Professor of American Institutions, Emeritus, has taught and written about colonial British North America, American religious history, and the braided histories of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. His scholarship …

Katherine Cramer

Katherine (Kathy) Cramer is the Natalie C. Holton Chair of Letters & Science and the Virginia Sapiro Professor of Political Science at UW–Madison. She earned her B.A. there in the Department of Political Science and …

Lewis Friedland

Lewis Friedland is the Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, where he also founded and directs the Center for Communication and Democracy. Friedland is also the Leon Epstein Faculty …

Lucas Graves

Lucas Graves is an assistant professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where his research centers on the challenges digital, networked communications pose to media practices and institutions. …

Lori Lopez

Lori Kido Lopez is an Associate Professor of Media and Cultural Studies in the Communication Arts department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She also Director of the Asian American Studies Program at University of Wisconsin-Madison. …

Maryellen MacDonald

Dr. Maryellen MacDonald is an expert on how we talk and how we comprehend language. Dr. MacDonald studied how language changes as we age and in Alzheimer’s disease, and also how children’s reading is related …

Torsheika Maddox

Dr. Maddox is currently unavailable for requests. Email: Phone: (608) 263-0631 Pronouns: she/her Torsheika Maddox is the Senior Operations Officer (SOO) for the Division of Inclusive Excellence and Chief of Staff (CoS) to the …

Sara McKinnon

Sara McKinnon is an expert in immigration and refugee issues, violence, gender-based violence, and international/global politics. Her current research examines these these themes within the context of contemporary U.S.-Mexico relations. Dr. McKinnon also teaches and …

Tracy Nelson

Tracy is a senior business leader with deep experience in a variety of industries such as healthcare, financial services, manufacturing, insurance, and more. She also teaches management and human resources courses in the Wisconsin School …

Felix Savino

Almost all Felix Savino’s career since 1979 has been in student affairs at UW-Madison, including housing , dean of students, AODA coordinator, health promotion, and a mental health provider. He is a Training Director, psychologist, Italian immigrant, …

Dhavan Shah

Dhavan Shah’s research and teaching focuses on the effects of information and communication technologies on social judgments, civic engagement, political participation, and health management. His recent work extends insights on message processing and networked communication …

Bret Shaw

Bret Shaw is the Environmental Communication Specialist for University of Wisconsin Extension. He focuses on outreach activities related to facilitating and assessing the impact of social marketing campaign development for organizations dealing with natural resource management issues …

Donald Stanley

Don Stanley is a faculty associate at UW–Madison and owner of 3Rhino Media, a digital marketing consultancy dedicated to helping companies and individuals share their expertise and connect with the right clients online. He has …

Cathy Techtmann

Cathy is a Professor of Community Resource Development and an Environmental Outreach State Specialist for the University of Wisconsin-Extension. She specializes in environmental interpretation, communication, and leadership development that make environmental issues “come alive” for …

Catalina Toma

Catalina Toma has been an assistant professor at UW–Madison since 2010 after obtaining her PhD from Cornell University. Her research examines how people understand and relate to one another when interacting via communication technologies (online …

Elizabeth Tryon

Elizabeth Tryon, expert on campus-community partnerships, community-engaged learning/research, global engagement, and co-author of two books on the practice of academic community engagement, will talk about how citizen groups, local governments, and the nonprofit sector can …

Lyn Van Swol

Lyn Van Swol researches factors that influence how people accept information and advice from others in interactions, with a focus on advice utilization, persuasion, and decision-making. Current research examines how language used by others, including …

Shelly Vils Havel

Shelly is the Talent Development Specialist for the Division of Extension.  Shelly is focused on delivering professional development and skills development for colleagues and serves as a resource for managers, supervisors, faculty and staff of …

Michael Wagner

Michael W. Wagner (Bachelor of Journalism, University of Nebraska; Ph.D., Indiana University) is William T. Evjue Distinguished Chair of the Wisconsin Idea and Professor of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where he …

Michael Xenos

Professor Xenos’ research and teaching interests are centered on the effects of new media on political engagement and public deliberation. His primary focus is on the extent to which the internet and social media may …