Kenneth Bradbury served as the Director of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, and as Wisconsin’s State Geologist. He received a PhD in Geology from UW–Madison and has worked on groundwater issues in Wisconsin …
Water Sciences
Steve Carpenter
Dr. Carpenter has worked on water quality and fisheries problems of Wisconsin’s lakes since 1974. He was a co-founder of the Resilience Alliance for studies of social-ecological change. He served as a co-chair of the …
Eric Carson
Eric Carson is a geologist with the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey and a professor at UW-Madison. His research focuses on how landscapes evolve over geologic time and, particularly, processes associated with rivers, floods, …
Hilary Dugan
Dr. Dugan is a limnologist who studies how terrestrial and atmospheric changes, such as warming air temperatures or land use patterns, alter biogeochemical fluxes and aquatic processes in lakes. Her research sites span from Wisconsin …
Moira Harrington
Moira Harrington is thrilled to work for two programs–Sea Grant and the University of Wisconsin Water Resources Institute–that promote the sustainable use of Wisconsin’s water resources, with a special focus on groundwater and the Great …
Jingyi Huang
I am an associate professor from the Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences, UW-Madison. My research, education, and outreach programs focus on integrating sensing technologies and models, including artificial intelligence, to improve the understanding of …
Randy Jackson
Randy Jackson and his grassland ecology group study how carbon and nutrients flow into, within, and out of grassland ecosystems. Randy grew up in southern California, played baseball and earned a BS in Environmental Science …
Olaf Jensen
Prof. Jensen is an Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin – Madison’s Center for Limnology. His research focuses on understanding the combination of human and ecological factors that contribute to sustainability of marine and …
Allison Jonjak
Allison grew up on a cranberry marsh founded by her grandfather in 1939. Studying ag engineering and soil chemistry, she worked with row crop farmers until the University of Wisconsin created a Cranberry Outreach Specialist position. This …
Shawn Kelly
Approaching 30 years at the University, over 30 years in the Professional Practice of Landscape Architecture. Author of the Practice Act for Landscape Architects in Wisconsin. Past National President of the American Society of Landscape …
John J. Magnuson
John J. Magnuson is an aquatic ecologist and limnologist with a special interest in fish and fisheries ecology. His training is in fish and wildlife management, zoology, and oceanography. Current interests include: long-term ecological research …
Kevin Masarik
Kevin Masarik is a groundwater education specialist with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension and the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. He has assisted tens of thousands of well owners through locally organized well water …
Katherine McMahon
Katherine McMahon has earned a BS/MS in Civil and Environmental Engineering at University of Illinois Urbana Champaign and received her PhD at University of California Berkeley. She arrived in Madison 2003 and will never leave, …
David Mickelson
David M. Mickelson is Emeritus Professor of Geoscience, Geological Engineering, and Water Resources Management at UW–Madison and has taught glacial geology, intro geomorphology, coastal geomorphology, air photo interpretation and Geology of the National Parks at …
Anne Moser
Anne Moser is senior special librarian at the Wisconsin Water Library at the UW–Madison. She provides STEM storytimes to libraries around Wisconsin and provides education and outreach in support of Wisconsin Sea Grant and Wisconsin …
Maureen Muldoon
Maureen started her career with the WGNHS in 1987. In 1998 she moved to UW-Oshkosh for 21 years where she was a professor of Geology. She has recently returned to the WGNHS where she conducts …
Jordan Murray
Jordan Murray is a Harmful Algal Bloom Epidemiologist stationed at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Public Health, where she manages the Harmful Algal Blooms Program. Her work entails prevention and control of …
Julia Noordyk
Julia Noordyk has over 10 years of experience in community engagement on issues related to coastal resilience and water quality. Julia found her way to Northeast Wisconsin by way of Madison and Maine to be …
Michael Notaro
Dr. Michael Notaro is the Associate Director and Senior Scientist of the Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received a PhD in Atmospheric Science at the State University of …
Daniel Phaneuf
Prof. Phaneuf is the Henry C. Taylor Professor of Applied Economics at UW-Madison. His teaching and research are in the area of environmental economics, with emphasis on measuring the economic benefits of improved environmental outcomes. …
Kaitlin Reinl
Dr. Kaitlin Reinl is a limnologist with a broad focus on how the synergistic effects of climate and watershed influence impacts inland water quality. Her most recent work has focused on cyanobacterial blooms in Lake …
Titus Seilheimer
Titus Seilheimer has been a fisheries specialist with Wisconsin Sea Grant since 2012 where he leads research, outreach, and education activities focused on Great Lakes fisheries and ecosystems. He has a B.A. in Biology from …
Sue Swanson
Susan Swanson, Ph.D., is the Director of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey (WGNHS) and State Geologist. She leads the staff at the WGNHS and connects with communities and partners across the state to …
Grace Wilkinson
Dr. Grace Wilkinson is a limnologist who studies the dynamic links between lakes and their surrounding landscapes. Her research focuses on harmful algal blooms, ecosystem resilience, and nutrient cycling in lakes. Dr. Wilkinson’s group uses …