Matthew Banks

Dr. Matthew I. Banks received his Bachelor’s and Master’s of Science in Engineering from Johns Hopkins University and his Doctorate of Neuroscience from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Banks is currently Professor of Anesthesiology and …

Steve Barczi

Dr. Barczi has been a clinician-educator who has worked in the areas of general geriatrics care, memory care and sleep disorders (with a special focus on sleep issues in later life) over the past 25 …

Gina Bryan

Dr. Bryan is a clinical professor in the School of Nursing. She teaches in the undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. Dr. Bryan maintains an active clinical practice at Tellurian, Inc., where she serves people who …

Corinna Burger

Corinna Burger is an Associate Professor of Neurology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research program focuses on studying the molecular biology of learning and memory, and genetic mechanisms underlying neurodegenerative disorders. Her lab uses …

Cynthia Carlsson

Dr. Carlsson is trained as a physician in geriatric medicine and is currently a Professor of Medicine in the Division of Geriatrics at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. She serves …

Claire Erickson

Claire Erickson is a graduate student in the Neuroscience and Public Policy Program. She focuses on modifiable factors of Alzheimer’s disease. Claire hopes to integrate her background in Alzheimer’s research with a career in aging …

Morton Ann Gernsbacher

Morton Ann prefers virtual talks. Morton Ann Gernsbacher is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Society for Experimental Psychologists, the American Psychological Association (Divisions 1, 3, and 6), the American …

Carey Gleason

Dr. Gleason is a clinical neuropsychologist and Alzheimer’s disease researcher. She leads the Inclusion of Under-Represented Groups Core of the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center and is a firm believer that diversity makes for better …

Edward Hubbard

Edward M. Hubbard is an Assistant Professor at UW–Madison, where he directs the Educational Neuroscience Lab. His research explores questions at the intersection of education and neuroscience, in the emerging field of Educational Neuroscience. His …

Michael Koenigs

The goal of Dr. Koenigs’s research is to improve mental healthcare and promote well-being for individuals who are currently or formerly incarcerated. We have a longstanding collaboration with the State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections …

Jody Krainer, MSW, LCSW, MBA

Jody is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker that practiced at a large medical and behavioral healthcare system in Waukesha for twenty years. She also has advanced education and experience in business and worked as an …

Natascha Merten

Dr. Natascha Merten is a Scientist in the Okonkwo Lab within the Division of Geriatrics and Gerontology and an Honorary Affiliate in the Department of Population Health Sciences. Dr. Merten is also the Director of …

Darcie Moore

Dr. Moore began her career as an opera singer, later going back to school to obtain her PhD in Neuroscience and beginning her research in regeneration of the brain and spinal cord. Her research spans …

Maria Mora Pinzon

Dr. Mora Pinzon is assistant professor in the division of geriatrics and gerontology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison School of Medicine and Public Health. Her research program focuses on health services research in dementia care, …

Freya Mowat

Freya Mowat grew up in the UK and attended veterinary school in Bristol and completed her Ph.D in Molecular Genetics at UCL in London. She trained as a veterinary ophthalmologist at Michigan State University in …

Joseph Newman

Dr. Joseph P. Newman is Professor of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he was formerly Department Chair and Director of Clinical Training. Professor Newman is renowned internationally for his theoretical and empirical contributions …

Ozioma Okonkwo

Dr. Ozioma Okonkwo’s research focuses on clarifying how alterations in the brain and other biomolecules (such as cerebrospinal fluid beta-amyloid) place some cognitively-normal individuals on a pernicious trajectory that culminates in probable Alzheimer’s disease. In …

Nicholas Pytel

Dr. Pytel specializes in Pediatric Neuro-Oncology and is the Medical Director of the Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Clinic and the Pediatric Neurocutaneous Disorders Clinic at UW Health Kids. He has expertise in molecularly targeted therapeutics pertaining to …

Brittany Travers

Dr. Brittany Travers is an Associate Professor and Carla and Mike Austin Faculty Fellow in the Occupational Therapy Program in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She earned her PhD in Cognitive …

Carol Van Hulle

Dr. Van Hulle received her Ph.D. in psychology with an emphasis in quantitative genetics from the University of Colorado. She is now an academic staff scientist with the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center. Her research focuses …

Emily Ward

Emily J. Ward is an Assistant Professor at UW–Madison, where she directs the Visual Cognition Laboratory. She is broadly interested in understanding the scope and limits of visual perception, with an emphasis on how we …

Cody Wenthur

Dr. Cody Wenthur is an innovative, translational investigator in psychopharmacology who has been on the UW–Madison faculty since 2018. His work is focused on improving our understanding of the basis for beneficial and detrimental effects …

Cara Westmark

Dr. Westmark received her PhD in Biochemistry from the University of Notre Dame. She is faculty in the Department of Neurology in the School of Medicine & Public Health at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where …

Jerry Yin

Jerry Yin received his BA from Princeton University, his PhD from UW-Madison (molecular biology), and did post-doctoral work at MIT and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. He was promoted to Assistant Professor at Cold Spring Harbor …