Dr. Brooke Ammerman is an Assistant Professor of Psychology, the director of the ASSIST Lab at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and a licensed clinical psychologist. Her research focuses on nonsuicidal self-injury, suicidal thoughts and behaviors, …
Mental Health
Claus E Andersen
Professor Andersen is a native Dane who came to Wisconsin in August 2017. He has been teaching in the field of Scandinavian Studies for more than 15 years at places like the University of Minnesota, UCLA, the …
Matthew Banks
Dr. Matthew I. Banks received his Bachelor’s and Master’s of Science in Engineering from Johns Hopkins University and his Doctorate of Neuroscience from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Banks is currently Professor of Anesthesiology and …
Gina Bryan
Dr. Bryan is a clinical professor in the School of Nursing. She teaches in the undergraduate and graduate nursing programs. Dr. Bryan maintains an active clinical practice at Tellurian, Inc., where she serves people who …
Jessica Calarco
Jessica (Jess) Calarco is an associate professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Calarco has published three books: Negotiating Opportunities: How the Middle Class Secures Advantages in School, A Field Guide to Grad School: …
Anthony Cerulli
Anthony Cerulli is an historian of religions, whose work looks at issues central to the study of religion, such as ritual, comparitivism, and the politics of religious rhetoric. His work also contributes to the fields …
Paula Cody
Dr. Paula Cody is board certified in both Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. She completed her Pediatrics residency and Adolescent Medicine fellowship at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Dr. Cody also completed a Masters of Public …
Karen Dickrell
Karen prefers virtual talks. Karen Dickrell is a lifelong educator, starting as a middle/high school teacher and then moving to Extension Educator for the past 35+ years. She enjoys people, she enjoys teaching, it is …
John Dunne
John D. Dunne (PhD 1999, Harvard University) holds the Distinguished Chair in Contemplative Humanities, an endowed position created through the Center for Healthy Minds at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He also holds a co-appointment in …
Alexis Eastman
Dr. Eastman is a geriatrician at UW, with clinics for primary care, and memory disorder diagnosis associated with the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute. She currently serves as the Director of Clinical Operations for the UW geriatrics …
C. Shawn Green
Dr. C. Shawn Green received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D in Brain and Cognitive Sciences from the University of Rochester. He then completed post-doctoral training in computer vision and machine learning at the University of …
Pelin Kesebir
Pelin Kesebir is a social and personality psychologist specializing in the psychology of happiness.She received her Ph.D. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2009, and has since published dozens of peer-reviewed journal articles on topics …
Theresa Kim
Theresa Kim is a program manager in UW-Madison’s Office of Human Resources (OHR). She manages, facilitates and coaches a leadership program for the Learning and Talent Development (LTD) titled Fully Prepared to Lead. This competency …
LB Klein
LB Klein’s (they/them or she/her) research focuses on gender-based violence (GBV;e.g., sexual assault/harassment, intimate partner violence, stalking, and anti-queer/trans harassment) prevention, survivor advocacy, and LGBTQ+ health. In one line of research, they are developing, adapting, …
Michael Koenigs
The goal of Dr. Koenigs’s research is to improve mental healthcare and promote well-being for individuals who are currently or formerly incarcerated. We have a longstanding collaboration with the State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections …
Bob McGrath
Bob McGrath, Psy D, ABPP is a licensed psychologist who provided Mind/Body Wellness Services at University Health Services. Bob has expertise in health psychology, positive psychology, authentic happiness, mind/body wellness and stress management. All talks …
Nandi (Sunita) Nandihalli
Nandi has been working in the fields of social justice and holistic health for over a decade and has a background in cross-cultural research, teaching, and training using experiential techniques. Nandi earned a Bachelor of …
Joseph Newman
Dr. Joseph P. Newman is Professor of Psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he was formerly Department Chair and Director of Clinical Training. Professor Newman is renowned internationally for his theoretical and empirical contributions …
Katherine (Kate) Phelps
Dr. Kate Phelps is a lecturer in Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. They have a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Massachusetts-Boston. Their teaching and research interests and areas of …
John Shutske
Currently Not accepting Talk Requests John Shutske is a professor and Cooperative Extension Specialist at the University of Wisconsin – Madison in Biological Systems Engineering. Professor Shutske has 32 years of experience working as a …
Catalina Toma
Catalina Toma has been an assistant professor at UW–Madison since 2010 after obtaining her PhD from Cornell University. Her research examines how people understand and relate to one another when interacting via communication technologies (online …
Cassie Vanderwall
Dr. Vanderwall is an advance degreed clinical dietitian with proven experience as both a leader and team member at a top U.S. academic medical center. She is an accomplished healthcare professional, instructor and researcher with …
Art Walaszek
Art Walaszek is a geriatric psychiatrist, medical educator and public health researcher at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. In his clinical practice, Art cares for older adults with dementia, depression, …
Earlise Ward
Earlise Ward conducts community-based clinical research focused on older African American women’s mental health. Her research examines their beliefs about mental illness, whether these beliefs may serve as barriers to seeking mental health services, and …
Cody Wenthur
Dr. Cody Wenthur is an innovative, translational investigator in psychopharmacology who has been on the UW–Madison faculty since 2018. His work is focused on improving our understanding of the basis for beneficial and detrimental effects …
Christine Whelan
Dr. Christine B. Whelan’s motto is “not for school but for life we learn.” Dr. Whelan teaches class on Consuming Happiness, Belonging & Purpose and Finance & Families. She is the author of four applied …
Carla Williams
Carla Williams is a Communications Specialist at UW–Madison’s Department of Extension, leading strategic communications in Dane County. She is the Founder of The View From Here Wellness Collective, a space dedicated to empowering women on …