Paul Stoy studies the interaction between land management and climate and is increasingly interested in regional climate processes. He obtained his undergraduate degrees from the UW-Madison and graduate degree from Duke University and was a …
Earth, Environment, Climate, and Sustainability
Karen Strier
Strier is an international authority in primate behavioral ecology and conservation. Her ongoing field study on the critically endangered muriqui monkeys of Brazil spans 38 years and is the longest field study of this species …
Andrea Strzelec
Dr. Andrea Strzelec is the Program Director for the Master of Engineering in Engine Systems and Polymer Engineering programs as well as the Capstone Certificates in Engine Design, Powertrain Electrification, and Polymer Processing & Manufacturing …
Eric Sundquist
Eric Sundquist (PhD in city and regional planning, Georgia Tech; MS in public policy, Georgia Tech; MH in humanities, University of Richmond; BA in English, Miami University) is Director of the State Smart Transportation Initiative. …
Sue Swanson
Susan Swanson, Ph.D., is the Director of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey (WGNHS) and State Geologist. She leads the staff at the WGNHS and connects with communities and partners across the state to …
Swamit Tannu
Swamit Tannu is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Sciences Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where he leads the QUEST Research Group. His research interests include computer architecture and quantum computing. Swamit’s research focuses …
Cathy Techtmann
Cathy is a Professor of Community Resource Development and an Environmental Outreach State Specialist for the University of Wisconsin-Extension. She specializes in environmental interpretation, communication, and leadership development that make environmental issues “come alive” for …
Stanley Temple
Stanley (Stan) Temple is the Beers-Bascom Professor Emeritus in Conservation in the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology at UW–Madison. For 32 years he held the academic position once occupied by Aldo Leopold. He is …
Christopher Timmins
Christopher Timmins is the Gary J Gorman Affordable Housing Professor in the Real Estate and Urban Land Economics Department at the Wisconsin School of Business. He holds a BSFS degree from Georgetown University and a …
James Tinjum
James Tinjum’s overall consulting background and research/teaching interests are inter-disciplinary, covering facets of geotechnical, environmental, transportation, geological, and energy engineering. From a broad perspective, he conducts research in energy geotechnics, the beneficial reuse of industrial …
Chris Vagasky
Chris Vagasky is the manager of the Wisconsin Environmental Mesonet (Wisconet), a network of weather and soil monitoring stations across the state of Wisconsin, and a member of the National Lightning Safety Council. Chris holds …
Tim Van Deelen
Tim Van Deelen is a professor of wildlife ecology having worked as a researcher in several conservation agencies in the Great Lakes region. His teaching and research focuses on the conservation, management, and ecology of …
Steve Ventura
Steve Ventura is the Gaylord Nelson Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Environmental Studies and Soil Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW). He was Chair of the Agroecology Program, and the Director of the Land Tenure …
Till Wagner
Till Wagner grew up in southern Germany, studied physics, philosophy, and applied math in the UK, and moved to California to work as a researcher in climate science with a focus on the polar regions. …
Aja Watkins
Professor Watkins’ research encompasses several topics in philosophy of science, including philosophy of climate science, philosophy of biology, philosophy of the historical sciences (such as paleontology), and feminist philosophy of science. She is particularly interested …
Michel Wattiaux
I grew up on a dairy farm and was a first-generation college student in Belgium. I came to the U.S. in 1985 and completed a PhD in ruminant nutrition at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After …
Eric Wilcots
Eric M. Wilcots is the twelfth dean of the College of Letters & Science at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the Mary C. Jacoby Professor of Astronomy in the Department of Astronomy, his home department …
Grace Wilkinson
Dr. Grace Wilkinson is a limnologist who studies the dynamic links between lakes and their surrounding landscapes. Her research focuses on harmful algal blooms, ecosystem resilience, and nutrient cycling in lakes. Dr. Wilkinson’s group uses …
Aaron Williams
Aaron Williams is a licensed landscape architect who provides planning assistance and zoning coordination expertise to the campus. His primary roles involve Campus Master Plan technical coordination and support, major capital improvement project zoning and …
John Williams
John (Jack) Williams is Professor in Geography and a former director of the Center for Climatic Research at UW-Madison. He studies climate change and ecosystem responses to changing climates, using the end of the last …
Paul Wilson
Paul Wilson is the Grainger Professor of Nuclear Engineering and current department chair of the University of Wisconsin-Madison‘s Department of Engineering Physics. His research interests focus on developing improved tools for computational modeling of complex …
Scott Woody
Scott Woody received his PhD in Genetics from the University of Iowa in 1993 and arrived on the UW–Madison campus in 1996. Academic research activities have been quite diverse through appointments in the Genetics where …
Huifang Xu
Huifang Xu’s research focuses on interdisciplinary study of (1) crystal chemistry of clays, rock-forming minerals, and nano-crystals; (2) role of nanopore in controlling geochemical reactions; (3) roles of microbes in controlling mineral shape, structure, and …
Lucas Zoet
Lucas (Luke) Zoet grew up in Michigan and was always interested in the landscapes of the upper Midwest. Through this interest he began studying glacial processes, first as an undergraduate at Michigan State University and …