Catherine Arnott Smith

Catherine Arnott Smith has been a Professor at the Information School at the University of Wisconsin-Madison since 2006. She has master’s degrees in library science, American History, and information science, and a PhD in Library …

Maria Dahman

Maria’s work focuses on creating inclusive, delightful digital experiences through a process called design research (also called user research or UX research). She studied human-computer interactions and philosophy, and has a lot of work experience …

Lewis Friedland

Lewis Friedland is the Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, where he also founded and directs the Center for Communication and Democracy. Friedland is also the Leon Epstein Faculty …

Lucas Graves

Lucas Graves is an assistant professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where his research centers on the challenges digital, networked communications pose to media practices and institutions. …

Erica Halverson

Erica Halverson is an Associate Professor of Digital Media & Literacy in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at UW–Madison. Dr. Halverson’s research focuses on how people learn to make art and the function that …

Nan Li

Li’s research focuses on the dynamics of the science-society-policy interface. Centering around socio-scientific issues related to food, energy, and climate, she examines the evolving nature of media discourse and public opinion. She also studies visual …

Jaime Martindale

Jaime prefers in-person talks. Jaime has been the Map & Geospatial Data Librarian at the Robinson Map Library since November 2003. She received her B.S. degree in Biological Aspects of Conservation and a Masters Degree …

Dexter Patterson

Dexter Patterson serves as the social and digital media specialist for the Wisconsin Foundation and Alumni Association. He has experience working as a blogger, content marketer, digital marketer, podcaster, motivator, and corporate trainer. He is …

Sue Robinson

Sue Robinson (PhD, Temple University, 2007) holds the Helen Franklin Firstbrook Professor of Journalism chair as a tenured, full professor in the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s School of Journalism & Mass Communication. She researches and teaches …

Dorothea Salo

Dorothea Salo teaches about digital information in the iSchool at UW-Madison: everything from online privacy and security to relational-database design. She has also built “Recover Analog and Digital Data” (RADD) to save personal, family, and …

Dave Schroeder

Dave Schroeder is a subject matter expert on information technology, cybersecurity, and cyber national security issues. He currently serves as an Army Cyber Warfare Officer and intelligence professional, and previously served as a Navy Information …

Dhavan Shah

Dhavan Shah’s research and teaching focuses on the effects of information and communication technologies on social judgments, civic engagement, political participation, and health management. His recent work extends insights on message processing and networked communication …

Donald Stanley

Don Stanley is a faculty associate at UW–Madison and owner of 3Rhino Media, a digital marketing consultancy dedicated to helping companies and individuals share their expertise and connect with the right clients online. He has …

Miya Williams Fayne

Dr. Williams Fayne researches the digital Black press and how it is operating in the new media age. She uses interviews and focus groups to examine Black press production and consumption practices. Williams Fayne has …