Margaret Bryer is a primatologist who focuses on primate nutrition and social behavior. She explores questions of how social behavior as well as anthropogenic change affect nutritional strategies of wild primates in Uganda and South …
Zach Feiner
Dr. Zach Feiner is a fisheries ecologist who studies fish populations in inland lakes, rivers, and the Great Lakes across the Upper Midwest. His research focuses on the dynamics and management of recreational fisheries, including …
Olaf Jensen
Prof. Jensen is an Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin – Madison’s Center for Limnology. His research focuses on understanding the combination of human and ecological factors that contribute to sustainability of marine and …
John J. Magnuson
John J. Magnuson is an aquatic ecologist and limnologist with a special interest in fish and fisheries ecology. His training is in fish and wildlife management, zoology, and oceanography. Current interests include: long-term ecological research …
Karen Oberhauser
Karen Oberhauser is the Director of the UW-Madison Arboretum. Along with dozens of students and colleagues, she has conducted research on several aspects of monarch butterfly ecology. In 1996, she started a nationwide Citizen Science …
Lauren Riters
Lauren Riters is a Professor in the area of Behavioral Neuroscience in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Wisconsin Madison. She received a PhD in Psychology in the Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience …
Kurt Sladky
Kurt K. Sladky, MS, DVM, Dipl. ACZM: Received his MS and DVM from UW–Madison and completed a Residency in Zoological Medicine at North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine. He is a Diplomate of …
Karen Strier
Strier is an international authority in primate behavioral ecology and conservation. Her ongoing field study on the critically endangered muriqui monkeys of Brazil spans 38 years and is the longest field study of this species …
Stanley Temple
Stanley (Stan) Temple is the Beers-Bascom Professor Emeritus in Conservation in the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology at UW–Madison. For 32 years he held the academic position once occupied by Aldo Leopold. He is …