Laura Albert, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Industrial & Systems Engineering at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Her research interests are in the field of operations research, with a particular focus on discrete optimization with …
Data Research
Vicki Bier
Vicki Bier is Professor Emerita in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and the Department of Engineering Physics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where she directed the Center for Human Performance and Risk Analysis …
Yury Bukhman
Bioinformatician with >20 years of research experience in academia and the biotech industry. Interested in genomes, evolution, and the analysis and integration of high-throughput biological data. Earned his Ph.D. in Chemistry from The Johns Hopkins …
Sameer Desphande
Sameer is an Assistant Professor in Statistics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. His research interests include Bayesian hierarchical modeling, Bayesian treed regression, variable selection, and causal inference. Much of his methodological work is motivated by …
Ilias Diakonikolas
Ilias Diakonikolas is the Sheldon B. Lubar Professor in the Department of Computer Sciences at UW Madison. His research is on the algorithmic foundations of massive data sets, in particular on designing efficient algorithms for …
Jordan Ellenberg
Jordan Ellenberg is a number theorist whose popular articles about mathematics have appeared in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Wired, and Slate. Testimonials “…you have an incredible ability to take a complex …
Jason Fletcher
Jason prefers in-person talks. Jason Fletcher is a Romnes Professor of Public Affairs with appointments in Sociology, Agricultural and Applied Economics and Population Health Sciences as well as the Director of the Center for Demography …
Young Mie Kim
Young Mie Kim is a Professor of School of Journalism and Mass Communication and a Faculty Affiliate of the Department of Political Science. Kim is a 2019 Andrew Carnegie Fellow. Kim’s research concerns media and …
Ramya Korlakai Vinayak
Ramya Korlakai Vinayak is an assistant professor in the Dept. of Electrical Computer Engineering at the UW-Madison. Her research interests span the areas of machine learning, statistical inference, and crowdsourcing. Her work focuses on addressing …
Rebecca Langhough Koscik
Dr. Rebecca Langhough Koscik’s background training is in statistics and educational psychology (with a specialization in school psychology). Dr. Koscik currently works as a research statistician for the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention and related …
Bret Larget
Bret Larget is Professor in the Departments of Statistics and of Botany at UW–Madison. His research interests include collaborations with biologists from many fields and, in particular, the development of statistical methods to better understand …
Yonatan Mintz
Yonatan Mintz is an assistant professor in the Industrial and Systems Engineering department at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. His research focuses on the application of machine learning and automated decision making to human sensitive …
Rob Nowak
Rob Nowak is the McFarland-Bascom Professor in Engineering at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where his research focuses on signal processing, machine learning, optimization, and statistics. The BeerMapper and NEXT systems are recent applications of his …
Dietram Scheufele
Dietram A. Scheufele holds the John E. Ross Chair in Science Communication at UW–Madison, and is Co-PI of the Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University. An elected fellow of the American Association …
Claudia Solis-Lemus
Claudia Solis-Lemus grew up in Mexico City, where she completed her undergraduate work at the Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico in Actuarial Sciences and Applied Mathematics. Claudia received her Ph.D. in Statistics at the University …
David Williamson Shaffer
David Williamson Shaffer is the Sears Bascom Professor of Learning analytics at the University of Wisconsin in the Department of Educational Psychology and a Data Philosopher at the Wisconsin Center for Education Research. Professor Shaffer …
John Yin
John Yin is a faculty member at UW-Madison, where he teaches courses in chemical and biological engineering. Outside of the classroom, he and his student co-workers pursue two main questions: what are plausible mechanisms for …