Richard prefers virtual talks. Dr. Richard R. Burgess is James D. Watson Emeritus Prof. of Oncology at the McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research at UW–Madison. He founded the UW Biotechnology Center in 1984 and was …
Business and Economy
Chuck Czuprynski
Chuck Czuprynski, is Professor and Past Chair of the Department of Pathobiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, and Past Director of the Food Research Institute. His research focuses on the pathogenesis of bacterial pathogens, with …
Steven Deller
Steven Deller is Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics at UW–Madison and a Community Economic Development Specialist with the UW-Extension. Professor Deller’s long-term research interest includes modeling community and small regional economies in order to …
Allison Jonjak
Allison grew up on a cranberry marsh founded by her grandfather in 1939. Studying ag engineering and soil chemistry, she worked with row crop farmers until the University of Wisconsin created a Cranberry Outreach Specialist position. This …
Sarah Kemp
Sarah Kemp has been with the Applied Population Laboratory, Department of Community and Environmental Sociology since 2003. Her research has focused primarily on enrollment projections modeling. She has worked with more than ninety school districts projecting …
Thomas “Rock” Mackie
Thomas Mackie was a UW Professor from 1987 to 2012. An applied scientist and engineer, he developed state of the art cancer therapy and imaging systems and spun them out into startup companies; the most …
Alfonso Morales
Alfonso Morales, PhD (Northwestern), is Professor of Urban and Regional Planning (College of Letters and Sciences) at the University of Wisconsin at Madison. He is originally from rural New Mexico with roots in family farming …
Aaron Olver
Aaron Olver is the Managing Director of the University Research Park. Established in 1984, University Research Park, a University of Wisconsin-Madison affiliate, is an internationally recognized research and technology park that supports early-stage, and growth-oriented …
Christopher Stark
Chris Stark is a Community and Economic Development Educator for UW-Madison, Division of Extension. Based in Eagle River, Stark had multiple roles in economic development prior to coming to Extension, including as a site location …
Kevin Walters
Kevin Walters works in Public Affairs at the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) where he has served as a researcher, historian, archivist, and executive communicator since 2011. He completed a PhD in history from the …