Elena Aydarova

Elena Aydarova is an Assistant Professor in the Educational Policy Studies Department at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Her scholarship focuses on the interactions between educational policy, policy advocacy, and social inequality. Drawing on critical, …

Nidia Bañuelos

Dr. Bañuelos studies community colleges, for-profit colleges and regional public universities that serve working adults and their local economies. Her training is in qualitative and historical sociology, and she has worked as an academic research …

Nicole Bowman-Farrell

Nicole Bowman-Farrell (Mohican/Munsee), Ph.D. is an Evaluator & Researcher with the University of Wisconsin Madison’s (UW) Wisconsin Center for Education Research (WCER). Dr. Bowman is a subject matter expert in culturally responsive research, policy, and …

Harry Brighouse

Harry Brighouse has taught at UW–Madison since 1992. A well-known philosopher of education, and commentator on educational policy issues, he has advised policymakers at the state level in Wisconsin and the national level in his …

Jessica Calarco

Jessica (Jess) Calarco is an associate professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Calarco has published three books: Negotiating Opportunities: How the Middle Class Secures Advantages in School, A Field Guide to Grad School: …

Catherine Compton-Lilly

LIMITED AVAILABILITY- Moved to North Carolina, but will be back in Madison throughout the year. Catherine Compton-Lilly is a Professor in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Dr. Compton-Lilly teaches courses in literacy …

Tony DelaRosa

Tony DelaRosa (he/they/siya) is a Filipino American anti-bias/anti-racist educator, racial equity strategist, poet, and researcher. His work has been featured in Harvard Ed Magazine, CNN, NPR, the Smithsonian, Hulu, and elsewhere. He won the 2021 …

Benjamin Fisher

Dr. Fisher is an Associate Professor of Civil Society and Community Studies in the School of Human Ecology at UW-Madison. His research focuses on school criminalization, which is the process in which elements of the …

James Franzone

Jim Franzone is Assistant Dean for the Wisconsin School of Business Undergraduate Program. Jim has worked for UW-Madison for 20+ years with experience in Residence Life and Academic Student Affairs. Jim’s work focuses on student …

Ain Grooms

Dr. Ain Grooms is an Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She studies K-12 educational leadership and policy, with a particular focus on equity and access for students of color and students from traditionally …

Diana Hess

Unavailable, on research leave until further notice. Diana Hess is the Dean of the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she holds the Karen A. Falk Distinguished Chair of Education. Her most …

Nicholas Hillman

Nicholas Hillman is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Hillman’s research examines how finance, policy, and geography shape educational opportunities in the United States. He also directs …

Matthew Hora

Dr. Matthew Hora is an expert on college-workforce transitions, with a focus on college internships, 21st century skills, and instructional design. His training is in cultural anthropology and the learning sciences, and his research on …

Cindy Kuhrasch

Cindy Kuhrasch is a Distinguished Faculty Associate in the Department of Kinesiology. All of Cindy’s work is designed to develop caring and compassionate leaders who provide opportunities for children and youth to develop physical, cognitive, …

Gloria Ladson-Billings

Gloria Ladson-Billings is the Kellner Family Chair in Urban Education and an internationally known expert in the field. She has won numerous honors and awards, is a member of the National Academy of Education, and …

David McDonald

David McDonald has been a faculty member with UW–Madison since 1988. A graduate of the University of Toronto and the recipient of a doctorate at Columbia University, McDonald teaches and conducts research in the history …

Julie Mead

Julie Fisher Mead is a professor in the Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis. Dr. Mead researches and writes about topics related to the legal aspects of education. Dr. Mead’s research centers on legal …

Ruben Mota

Ruben Mota serves as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator, collaborating and coordinating with campus partners to ensure UW-Madison is continually striving for access and inclusivity for individuals with disabilities. Prior to this position, …

Kevin Niemi

Kevin Niemi is an Outreach Program Manager with the Institute for Biology Education. He has served on numerous national science education committees with the National Science Teachers Association and the National Science Education Leadership Association and …

Taylor Odle

Taylor Odle is an Assistant Professor of Educational Policy Studies and an affiliate in Data Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is a national expert on issues in the economics of education with a …

Marla Ramirez

Dr. Ramirez is a historian of the U.S.-Mexico borderlands with specialization in oral history, Mexican repatriation, social and legal histories of Mexican migrations, and gendered immigration experiences. She completed her doctoral degree at the University …

Janice Rice

Currently not accepting talk requests. Janice Rice is a member of Ho-Chunk Nation & is a retired librarian with a focus on American Indian resources, literature, culture, history, language preservation & revitalization. She received her …

Howard Schweber

Before becoming an academic, Professor Schweber practiced law for 5 years in both the public and private sectors. He holds graduate degrees in Law (JD), Government (PhD), and History (MA). Schweber is the author of …

Ryan Tsuchida

Dr. Ryan Tsuchida is the Assistant Dean for Multicultural Affairs for Health Professions Learners, a board-certified emergency medicine physician, and an assistant professor at the BerbeeWalsh Department of Emergency Medicine at the School of Medicine …