Jessica (Jess) Calarco is an associate professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Calarco has published three books: Negotiating Opportunities: How the Middle Class Secures Advantages in School, A Field Guide to Grad School: …
Patricia Carroll
Patricia Carroll is an Associate Professor in the Division of Extension, Department of Family Development. Carroll programs in the area of Human Development and Relationships with an emphasis in digital parenting outreach and engagement. She …
Karen Dickrell
Karen prefers virtual talks. Karen Dickrell is a lifelong educator, starting as a middle/high school teacher and then moving to Extension Educator for the past 35+ years. She enjoys people, she enjoys teaching, it is …
C. Shawn Green
Dr. C. Shawn Green received his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D in Brain and Cognitive Sciences from the University of Rochester. He then completed post-doctoral training in computer vision and machine learning at the University of …
Margaret Kerr
Margaret Kerr, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in Human Development & Family Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Human Ecology and a State Specialist in Vulnerable and Underserved Children with the Division of …
Julie Poehlmann-Tynan
Dr. Poehlmann-Tynan is a child clinical psychologist who studies child and family health disparities and well-being from an interdisciplinary perspective. The purpose of her work is to facilitate social justice for young children and their …
Alvin Thomas
Alvin Thomas is a clinically trained psychologist focused on the risk and protective factors for African-American boys, the positive development of youth, and the engagement of fathers in care of their children. He is interested …
Cassie Vanderwall
Dr. Vanderwall is an advance degreed clinical dietitian with proven experience as both a leader and team member at a top U.S. academic medical center. She is an accomplished healthcare professional, instructor and researcher with …
Tova Walsh
Dr. Tova Walsh focuses on parenting in children’s earliest years of life, with the goal of supporting the health and well-being of often-overlooked populations of parents and their young children. Her research centers on support …