Annie Bauer

Annie Bauer is a geologist and geochronologist– she studies how the Earth became a habitable planet, from the origin and evolution of the earliest continents to the development of an oxygen-rich atmosphere. In her work, …

Kenneth Bradbury

Kenneth Bradbury served as the Director of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, and as Wisconsin’s State Geologist. He received a PhD in Geology from UW–Madison and has worked on groundwater issues in Wisconsin …

Eric Carson

Eric Carson is a geologist with the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey and a professor at UW-Madison. His research focuses on how landscapes evolve over geologic time and, particularly, processes associated with rivers, floods, …

Jingyi Huang

I am an associate professor from the Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences, UW-Madison. My research, education, and outreach programs focus on integrating sensing technologies and models, including artificial intelligence, to improve the understanding of …

David Lovelace

Dave Lovelace is a vertebrate paleontologist specializing in Triassic-aged rocks of the Rocky Mountain West (252-201 million years ago). He joined the UW Geology Museum team as a research scientist after completing his PhD at …

David Mickelson

David M. Mickelson is Emeritus Professor of Geoscience, Geological Engineering, and Water Resources Management at UW–Madison and has taught glacial geology, intro geomorphology, coastal geomorphology, air photo interpretation and Geology of the National Parks at …

Maureen Muldoon

Maureen started her career with the WGNHS in 1987. In 1998 she moved to UW-Oshkosh for 21 years where she was a professor of Geology. She has recently returned to the WGNHS where she conducts …

Esther Stewart

Esther K. Stewart is a geologist with the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey where she uses geologic mapping to address questions about the rocks that underlie Wisconsin. Prior to joining the state survey, she …

Sue Swanson

Susan Swanson, Ph.D., is the Director of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey (WGNHS) and State Geologist. She leads the staff at the WGNHS and connects with communities and partners across the state to …

Chris Vagasky

Chris Vagasky is the manager of the Wisconsin Environmental Mesonet (Wisconet), a network of weather and soil monitoring stations across the state of Wisconsin, and a member of the National Lightning Safety Council. Chris holds …

Till Wagner

Till Wagner grew up in southern Germany, studied physics, philosophy, and applied math in the UK, and moved to California to work as a researcher in climate science with a focus on the polar regions. …

Huifang Xu

Huifang Xu’s research focuses on interdisciplinary study of (1) crystal chemistry of clays, rock-forming minerals, and nano-crystals; (2) role of nanopore in controlling geochemical reactions; (3) roles of microbes in controlling mineral shape, structure, and …

Lucas Zoet

Lucas (Luke) Zoet grew up in Michigan and was always interested in the landscapes of the upper Midwest. Through this interest he began studying glacial processes, first as an undergraduate at Michigan State University and …