Steve Carpenter

Dr. Carpenter has worked on water quality and fisheries problems of Wisconsin’s lakes since 1974. He was a co-founder of the Resilience Alliance for studies of social-ecological change. He served as a co-chair of the …

Jerry Clark

Jerry Clark has been the Crops and Soils Agent for the Division of Extension in Chippewa County since 1998. He provides educational programming and applied research in agronomy and soils focusing on alternative crops, forages, …

Jingyi Huang

I am an associate professor from the Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences, UW-Madison. My research, education, and outreach programs focus on integrating sensing technologies and models, including artificial intelligence, to improve the understanding of …

Randy Jackson

Randy Jackson and his grassland ecology group study how carbon and nutrients flow into, within, and out of grassland ecosystems. Randy grew up in southern California, played baseball and earned a BS in Environmental Science …

Allison Jonjak

Allison grew up on a cranberry marsh founded by her grandfather in 1939. Studying ag engineering and soil chemistry, she worked with row crop farmers until the University of Wisconsin created a Cranberry Outreach Specialist position. This …

Kevin Masarik

Kevin Masarik is a groundwater education specialist with the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension and the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. He has assisted tens of thousands of well owners through locally organized well water …

Julia Nepper

Dr. Nepper earned her Bachelor’s degree at the University of North Carolina–Wilmington, where she majored in biology and chemistry. She completed her PhD in Biophysics in 2017 at UW–Madison. She worked with Prof. Doug Weibel, …