Matthew Gebbie

Matthew grew up in rural North Carolina and obtained his B.S. in Chemical Engineering from NC State University. He carried out his Ph.D. studies with Prof. Jacob Israelachvili at UC Santa Barbara and was then …

Brian Pfleger

Brian received his bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Cornell University in 2000. and earned his PhD in Chemical Engineering in 2005 from the University of California-Berkeley under the supervision of Jay Keasling. Brian’s thesis …

Ahmad Saatchi

I am a retired faculty associate with the MSE Department at UW-Madison, where I have been working from 2014-2022. I have worked as a consultant from 2022-2024 with Corning Inc., Prior to working at UW-Madison, …

John Yin

John Yin is a faculty member at UW-Madison, where he teaches courses in chemical and biological engineering. Outside of the classroom, he and his student co-workers pursue two main questions: what are plausible mechanisms for …