Teri Allendorf

Honorary Fellow Forest and Wildlife Ecology and Executive Director of Community Conservation

College of Agricultural & Life Sciences | Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology

Hometown: Missoula, MT

Dr. Teri Allendorf is a conservation biologist who has worked on issues of local communities and conservation since 1994. She was a member of USAID’s Biodiversity Team, a Peace Corps Volunteer in Nepal, and has partnered with NGOs and communities on conservation issues in Nepal, Myanmar, China, and India. She has published numerous peer-reviewed articles in journals and taught courses at the University of Minnesota, University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Future Generations University, as well as short courses in India and Namibia. She has also consulted on biodiversity and forestry projects for USAID in Tanzania, Mozambique, Uganda, Nepal, Guatemala, and Guyana. Currently, she is the director of Community Conservation, based in Viroqua, WI.
This talk can also be offered in Nepali.


Community Conservation: From Wisconsin to the World
Learn how conservation in Wisconsin has influenced conservation around the world. Dr. Teri Allendorf will describe Community Conservation’s research and projects with numerous communities to protect biodiversity, including endangered species such as yellow-tailed woolly monkeys in Peru, orangutans in Malaysia, chimpanzees in Cameroon and tigers in Nepal, among many others.