Miya Williams Fayne's headshot.

Miya Williams Fayne

Assistant Professor

College of Letters & Sciences | School of Journalism and Mass Communication

Dr. Williams Fayne researches the digital Black press and how it is operating in the new media age. She uses interviews and focus groups to examine Black press production and consumption practices. Williams Fayne has conducted case studies on Black press coverage of Black Lives Matter and COVID-19. Her current work investigates Black adults’ mainstream and Black press news repertoires. Williams Fayne’s book: The Blackish Press: Content, Ownership and Audience of Digital Black News Outlets is forthcoming from Oxford University Press.


The Blackish Press

This talk describes how the digital Black press is adapting to meet the current needs of the Black community. I provide an in-depth analysis of what it means when the Black press acclimates to the new media landscape and question what is gained and lost in the process.

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