Louis Macias

Associate Dean of Inclusive Excellence

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences

Hometown: Miami, Florida

Louis Macias has worked in education for over twenty years at both the K-12 and higher education levels. His experience across many functional areas and professional situations has established a practical understanding about realizing organizational potential through culture development, team building, values alignment and positive leadership habits. Aside from his full-time role at UW-Madison, he also serves as an adjunct instructor for a doctoral program at UW-La Crosse, where he teaches strategic planning and change management. He has been formally recognized for his work throughout his career, most recently being named one of Wisconsin’s 36 Most Influential Latino Leaders for 2024.


Psychological Safety: Operationalizing our Collective Potential

Louis Macias will cover what psychological safety is and how it can support or impede the success of individuals, teams and organizations. Depending on available time, this talk can include interactive elements.

The Work of Working Together: Examining Team Dynamics

Louis Macias will facilitate an interactive activity that allows for observation, reflection and discussion of team dynamics. This talk can include several different activities, some of which can be delivered virtually.

The Psychology of Success: Lessons from High-Achieving Underrepresented Students

Louis Macias will present about his research and practical experience working with and learning from high-achieving underrepresented students. If you have ever wondered how individual success happens and/or how we can achieve individual success at scale, this talk is for you.