Portrait Photograph of Jamie Henke

Jamie Henke

Distinguished Teaching Professor

Division of Continuing Studies | Liberal Arts and Applied Studies

Hometown: Wausau, WI

Jamie Henke, Ph.D., is a Distinguished Teaching Professor in the Division of Continuing Studies, and a member of the UW-Madison Teaching Academy. She teaches music theory and composition courses, including Basic Concepts of Music Theory for the School of Music. Her teaching awards include The Alliant Energy / Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award 2019, the Joyce J. and Gerald A. Bartell Award in the Arts 2018, the Chancellor’s Hilldale Award for Excellence in Teaching 2006, and two Honored Instructor Awards. She also created and teaches the Literally Arts curriculum to preschool children whose parents are involved in the Odyssey program at UW-Madison.


Tune Up Your Ears!

More than ever, music is all around us, all the time. Learn how to move beyond passive to active listening, and develop a greater appreciation of the music around you.