Amanda Gevens

Chair, Professor, Extension Plant Pathologist

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences | Department of Plant Pathology

Hometown: Southold, Long Island, NY

Amanda Gevens is Department Chair and Professor, as well as Extension Plant Pathologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is also serving as the Administrative Director of the Wisconsin Seed Potato Certification Program. Gevens develops integrated and innovative disease management programs for potato and vegetable crops during production and post-harvest. She addresses many fundamental disease questions with research programming in the focus areas of pathogen ecology and management. She organizes, contributes to, and edits a weekly vegetable crop updates newsletter through the University of Wisconsin Extension which has become highly sought after for in-season production guidance especially for disease and insect control. She earned her BS in Biology from Muhlenberg College in PA, her MS from Purdue University, and her PhD from Michigan State University.

Areas of expertise, continued: sustainable agriculture, soil health


Protecting Spud Health

This presentation will feature the life cycle of the potato and my work in ensuring the health of the crop from seed potato certification to plate!