Ahmad Saatchi's headshot

Ahmad Saatchi

Retired UW-Madison Faculty Associate

College of Engineering | Materials Science and Engineering Department

Hometown: Boroujerd, Iran

I am a retired faculty associate with the MSE Department at UW-Madison, where I have been working from 2014-2022. I have worked as a consultant from 2022-2024 with Corning Inc., Prior to working at UW-Madison, I was a visiting professor at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, Georgia, distinguished professor at Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan Iran.

Areas of expertise, continued: Electrochemistry, Electropolishing, Batteries, Materials Selection, Residual Stress Analysis and Measurements by XRD, Neutron Diffraction, Hole Drilling, and Contour method, Materials Characterization.by optical and electron Metallography.

Dr. Saatchi’s talks can also be offered in Farsi.


Why metals, especially Iron and Steel, are the basis of our life and civilization?

Two thirds of the elements in the periodic table of elements are metal. After introducing the common nature of metals and their role in our life, I will focus on Iron and Steel. I trace back the formation of Iron in the universe, and in our planet earth and describe its role of iron and steel in our body, and our civilization from early times to present.

Batteries and their role in our life.

After reviewing briefly the history of batteries and its importance, I will describe various types of batteries and the mechanism of power generation and their applications..