Elena Aydarova

Elena Aydarova is an Assistant Professor in the Educational Policy Studies Department at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Her scholarship focuses on the interactions between educational policy, policy advocacy, and social inequality. Drawing on critical, …

Nidia Bañuelos

Dr. Bañuelos studies community colleges, for-profit colleges and regional public universities that serve working adults and their local economies. Her training is in qualitative and historical sociology, and she has worked as an academic research …

Harry Brighouse

Harry Brighouse has taught at UW–Madison since 1992. A well-known philosopher of education, and commentator on educational policy issues, he has advised policymakers at the state level in Wisconsin and the national level in his …

Jessica Calarco

Jessica (Jess) Calarco is an associate professor of sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Calarco has published three books: Negotiating Opportunities: How the Middle Class Secures Advantages in School, A Field Guide to Grad School: …

Tony DelaRosa

Tony DelaRosa (he/they/siya) is a Filipino American anti-bias/anti-racist educator, racial equity strategist, poet, and researcher. His work has been featured in Harvard Ed Magazine, CNN, NPR, the Smithsonian, Hulu, and elsewhere. He won the 2021 …

Nicholas Hillman

Nicholas Hillman is an Associate Professor in the School of Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Hillman’s research examines how finance, policy, and geography shape educational opportunities in the United States. He also directs …

Gavin Luter

In his role as Managing Director of the UniverCity Alliance, Gavin leads and leverages a network of faculty, staff, and students at University of Wisconsin-Madison who are interested in making local governments stronger and cities …

Julie Mead

Julie Fisher Mead is a professor in the Department of Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis. Dr. Mead researches and writes about topics related to the legal aspects of education. Dr. Mead’s research centers on legal …

Adam Nelson

Adam R. Nelson is Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Educational Policy Studies and History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received his Ph.D. in History from Brown University. His publications include Education and Democracy: The …

Taylor Odle

Taylor Odle is an Assistant Professor of Educational Policy Studies and an affiliate in Data Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is a national expert on issues in the economics of education with a …